
Final Task: Before Its too late

 This is our final task: before it’s too late

Gathering supplies

Hey bloggers! it's your favorite and I'm back with another blog. This time we will get into the gathering of supplies used in our film. Due to the nature of our film, we needed a lot of specific supplies. For one we contemplated using fake blood for a scene. We did have certain ideas for this concept but in the end we scrapped the idea. I felt it wasn't really necessary for the angles we used. I also didn't like the idea of wasting my hot sauce. I however did like the idea of using a knife as a murder weapon. The thing in this case however was that fake blood would almost be necessary for this scene. The knife and fake blood (hot sauce) were both conveniently found in my kitchen. Next we wanted to use a welcome mat for one of the scenes. We would use the mat and key for a scene. The key would be no problem for me and my group as we could use my house key. However the mat was not going to be as easy. I used to have a welcome mat but it got old and sort of messed up. I kn

Editing dilemma

Good morning bloggers it's me back again with another blog. Today we get into some of the editing difficulties me and my group faced. Firstly we had a problem of movie clip length. This was a reoccurring problem in our group. The video would always come out too long and we'd have to do more compressing. Or sometimes the video would be too short and we'd add more to it making the video too long. Our main problem here was too much content.  And with that content too much length with each individual clip. Like clockwork this problem arose again. Our video became too long based on the assignment rubric. So naturally we began to cut down with some clips. That however didn't work out well due to the fact that we were now missing content. So I came up with the idea that we should re-watch our video and organize clips on importance. The most important being the one closest to the storyboard. Then from there depending on how much time we had, would add more to the video. This en

Filming 2

 Hello fellow bloggers I’m back with another entry. This blog is more of a continuation of my previous one on our film day. This time we’ll just get into the things that happened on our second day of filming as a group. So as I said last time we started filming already at this point. We made ample progress as most of our video was done. Our second day of filming would be mostly our inside scenes. As well as other scenes we’d be able to get done inside. Since we filmed almost exclusively inside we met up later than last time. We only needed a few scenes of me and Suse. We also needed a few opening shots. Me and my group also ended up adding different diverse angles. That we knew would help our movie come to life almost. We wanted to make sure to pay more attention to lighting of certain scenes now. We left some lights off to add to the mood of the scenes. Since rarely any thriller scenes we witnessed were bright and sunny. This was a big deal for our movie. If we could get the character

Filming 1

  Good evening bloggers! and welcome back to another blog from yours truly. I'll get right into all the new information on the filming of our movie. That's right we're filming a small portion of a movie. A movie intro to a thriller to be exact not too long in runtime. My group of Suse and Tianna started the first bit of filming on January 28th. With backup filming dates being scattered across mid to late February. Me and Suse and a guest we had on the set got most of the work done this day. Tianna didn't end up having a ride which did set us back unexpectedly. However we did what we could with the people we had and we're able to reschedule to later filming dates. Overall the filming we got done may have seemed minor and not too significant. But with how short of a movie we had, any amount of film helped. Me and Suse were able to get some of my scenes in early. Only a few seconds each but only featuring me, made these easy scenes to film. Also by meeting up at the lo

Filming process

  Hello bloggers! it's me back with another blog. This one will also be focused on the film process of the group. Me and my group set up another film date for early February. However as usual things did not go according to plan. As usual someone's schedule was off aid rides were no longer confirmed like we thought they were. With this we had to find a way to film. Whatever we could film with the people we had to go with it. I was able to get certain angles and settings filmed and sent to our editor. Like said previously any little amount of progress was better than nothing. We luckily were only having complications with scheduling early and not closer to the due date of our movie. Me and my group met up to compare schedules and available times for filming. The most important thing here was to remember organization. If we could stay organized and continue to get work done in anyway it was better than nothing. Progress was definitely another important aspect in this project. We d